Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cheat/Rest Day

Today I woke up with a huge kink in my neck. After I took the kids to school, I put a heating pad on it for a while and it didn't help much so then I iced it and it still hurts! Long story short, I decided today is my cheat/rest day. I still watched what I ate for breakfast and lunch. For breakfast I had a Fuji apple with almond butter. For lunch I had a tuna lettuce wrap. For dinner, we had the sister

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Crushed IT!

look at my gross hair!
It never fails, every time I commit to working out something happens. The last time I made this commitment was in August. I was working out with a friend named Rachel Bossio (Crawford). I was so proud of myself because I would wake up at 4:30 am and work out with her from 5-6. Then, I pulled a muscle in my groin! I had to rest up and recover and then I got bronchitis. It lasted for a

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Feeling yuck-o

Today was tough! I still didn't get to sleep at a decent hour last night and I really think the lack of sleep is catching up with me because I was EXHAUSTED this morning!!! My bed seemed extra comfy and I sooo didn't want to get up! AJ had peed the bed in the middle of the night again so on top of not being able to fall asleep, I also had to take care of that and had a hard time getting back to

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A little about me....

I realized that I haven't really told "my story" yet so I'm going to do a bit of that in this post. I met my husband a couple weeks after I graduated high school in 2006 at a local plumbing supply store. We both grew up in the same town and graduated from the same high school however, we are 10 years apart so even though we are from a small community and knew a lot of the same people we had never

Monday, January 20, 2014

Flexibility and Commitment

Let me tell you about my night.... I went to bed at 1 am (lately I just can't seem to get to sleep at a decent hour), at 3:30 ish our 9 year old comes and crawls into bed with us. Our 5 year old was in bed with us not too long after also. If our daughter wasn't in a crib still, I'm sure she would've been in bed with us too. We do have a king sized bed but we may as well have been sleeping in a twin last night!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014 Focus on Fitness

Let me start by saying that posting this really freaks me out. The thought of putting my insecurities and flaws out there for everyone to see is very scary but I have received a lot of inspiration by reading other peoples stories of their journey's to getting fit and I think by posting my own journey I'll be even more motivated.
I had my first biological child at the age of 20. 2 weeks after having him, I was back in my pre-

Friday, February 17, 2012

Aqua Duck

I found this "Aqua Duck" on I love it! AJ can actually reach the faucet without me having to hold him up which is becoming more and more difficult being 8 months pregnant. He likes it, Noah likes, and Jake even said he wants one for his sink haha!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kennady's room so far

I decided to use my king comforter to re-do a glider in Kennadys room. I'm just too nervous to start. So I used the same comforter to made a crib skirt and it turned out good. Now I'm ready to start on that glider.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Our Garden

Our back yard is pretty barren except for our grass and 3 maple trees. Not to mention the fabulous view of the neighbors rv and junk next door which will be blocked out soon by our fence but for the time being my garden is like a little patch of heaven.... i just hope everything grows!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Walking and Brothers

So on New Years eve AJ started walking. He isn't standing up by himself and taking off but it'll happen soon. And it seems like since he turned 1 him and Noah have been playing alot more together which is awesome. Yesterday, AJ was copying everything Noah would do.