Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Getting Back into the Groove

I got bronchitis about a month ago and excuse or not, I couldn't do any cardio without coughing up a lung. I'm sure I could've figured something else out for my workout but I got discouraged and did nothing which only made me feel worse. I gained back my 3 lbs I lost. Jake on the other hand, hasn't worked out in years and just by counting calories has lost 30 lbs since November! It's so nice to see him feeling good about himself and he's already needing new pants again!

On Sunday I got the bright idea to ask Jake to work out with me. I wish I would've taken a picture or video of us because we were hilarious! We did the HIIT jumping jack workout that I've talked about before. When I told him the first 2 sets we had to do (50 jumping jacks and 50 crunches) he said, "that's just the beginning? that should be all of it!" so we worked our way through the whole thing and when we were done he said, "I think you killed me!" I laughed so hard because he is a 6' 3" ex college football player and former Airman. I was talking to my friend last night and I told her that if men had to work as hard to loose the same amount of weight as us they'd understand more and we wouldn't get the "just count calories" talk lol. All in all, it made me feel good that I'm working out hard enough to make Jake say all of that.

I came across an old picture of myself when is was 19 (7 years ago) and I remember thinking that I was so fat at the time. Now, that is my goal and inspiration picture. I put it up on my bathroom mirror so that whenever I get discouraged by the scale or don't feel like working out, I can see that I was that size before and I can work to get there again. Yesterday, I took AJ to soccer practice and decided that I would run around the field as my workout. Ok so that was HARD! The last time I ran without it being on a machine was in September. Plus I was sore from the Sunday workout. I did 5 laps around the soccer field and it took me about 15 minutes. It was just short of 1 mile. I walked 1 side of the field each lap. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note III and it has an app that came on it called S Health. It is awesome. It's similar to my fitness pal, which I also use, but it can count your steps thorough out the day and you can have it track your exercise as you're doing it.
 I wanted to come home and do some more exercise but I didn't. At least I did something yesterday, that's better than nothing. OH my goodness though today I am sore!! It's a good feeling though.

Also, since we found a new home for our puppy, we got our carpets cleaned yesterday! I knew the floor was bad but once we got all of our furniture out of our living room, I saw just how bad it was.

 UHG! It was so gross!  We used On The Spot Carpet Cleaning again and they were amazing, again! They are very reasonably priced compared to a lot of other places I had called. It took them about an hour to do our hallway, living room, and our master bedroom. There were a few spots that they couldn't get out but thankfully they weren't from the puppy. It's amazing how much a clean carpet can brighten up your room! I know that sounds dumb but I'm in love with our clean carpet! One of these day's we'll get new carpet but for now, getting it cleaned is good enough. Now, we just need to get it stretched because it is rippled in the doorways so bad!




Here's to a good workout today and smart and healthy food choices! Have a great day!

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